need help with reg marks

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need help with reg marks

Post by wyndham »

Tonight I was trying to use 4x6 in photo paper with several different small images grouped on the paper. I could not get the software to allow a print without the warning that I was too close to the edge for the reg marks to print even though on the second printing all three reg marks printed.
I would like to group as close to permitted margins as possible to get as many images cut as possible
Several questions, first the offset mark setting is set for 64 cm. What Is this from. Is it the edge of the paper or the mat or the size of the paper loaded to print and cut How can I know where the reg mark should print . Do i need to change the default to a different setting.
Does the software understand small paper sizes like 4x6in from the epson print driver. Lot of questions at on sitting
I have been doing small cutouts and wanted to work with small papers (4x6) to save paper.
There again since I'm still learning, it might be something I have overlooked. Thanks for any help Wyndham
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Re: need help with reg marks

Post by papasue »

If you are willing to post your file I'll take a look and try to help figure it out for you.
Susan E

Mac 10.12.6 Sierra, eCAL 1.506, ECAL2.023, SCAL4Pro, Export Plug-in, Inkscape 48, iPad/scal3
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Re: need help with reg marks

Post by wyndham »

Thanks Susan, my question really is about the margins or put another way how much distance must the reg marks be away from the edge of the paper to print them. If there is an invisible border of (.xx inches) from all sides of the paper that the reg marks can not print then I can plan for that. What I also do not understand is what is the "reg mark offset .64 cm", off set from what?
I thought when I did a cut preview and it showed the crop marks inside the paper size I'm using It would print the crop marks.
I have this question into support so maybe we'll see soon thanks
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Re: need help with reg marks

Post by HeatherM »

I think you have an eClips? It's been a while since I've changed my settings, but I believe that the offset is from your cutlines. I've set mine as small as possible since I like to get as much as possible on my coloring cardstock. I also set mine up to print as close to the edge as possible, and as long as the dots are printed you can ignore the warning. I've played with mine enough to know how large of an area I can use and how close I can put my file to the edge of the page for maximum usable space.
Screen Shot 2015-07-29 at 2.53.47 PM.png
Screen Shot 2015-07-29 at 2.53.47 PM.png (177.35 KiB) Viewed 22306 times
P2C print.jpg
P2C print.jpg (39.63 KiB) Viewed 22306 times
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Re: need help with reg marks

Post by HeatherM »

wyndham wrote: I thought when I did a cut preview and it showed the crop marks inside the paper size I'm using It would print the crop marks.
How close you can print to the edge of the page depends on your printer. If you want to print as close to the edge as possible you will need to find out your printers minimum print margins.
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Re: need help with reg marks

Post by wyndham »

Thanks , it took me a little time getting back into the settings for my Epson printer, which was setting the print margins correctly also, to "see" what I was missing.
Starting to get a hang of the program, which is amazingly good at what it does.
Thanks again to both you and support
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