can you help me? wordbook!

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can you help me? wordbook!

Post by Jannah »

Hi all,

I need your help again :D I am wondering if anyone had a wordbook with these letters ENGAGED

Would be so thankful if you can help me with this!
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Re: can you help me? wordbook!

Post by DaiseyDrmr »

Wordbooks are pretty easy so I thought a newbie like me could actually help out a fellow SCAL'r like yourself :) I didn't know what size to make them so I made it about 11" This file includes the individual letters so you can cut them from a contrasting paper to lay on top of the letters on the pages... if that makes sense.
(97.12 KiB) Downloaded 204 times
ENGAGED WORD BOOK.jpg (87.38 KiB) Viewed 4834 times
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Re: can you help me? wordbook!

Post by jrichards »

Nice job. Love the font!
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Re: can you help me? wordbook!

Post by Butterfly »

Yes it is a very nice job and what is the font I really like that one?
Scrappin My Way Through
Going Where I Please and Pleasing Where I Go

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Re: can you help me? wordbook!

Post by Jannah »

Thank you so much! I tried to be clever and make it myself. But after 3 days and 10 cardstock paper spent, it was mission failed :S THANK YOU for saving me from going insane! I salute you for making it my fellow newbie :)
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Re: can you help me? wordbook!

Post by DaiseyDrmr »

I'm so glad you like it! The font is Lucida Handwriting. You'll get the hang of it, just keep at it. I hope I get all the steps. Someone chime in if they have an easier way of doing it. Here is my process:

1. Type the word I want.
2. Select the whole words and size to the height of the page I want to cut (ex. If I want my pages to be 5.5", I size my letters to be 5.5")
3. Stretch the whole word until the letters are the right width using the key with the arrow that points right.
4. After you get the letters the size you want, make sure they are ungrouped. I usually paste the individual letters on their own layer so I can hide them easily.
5. Copy the last letter in the word and past it on its own layer. Name that layer the name of the letter. *(It's easiest to start with the last letter so you can use it as a reference for creating the other pages and know you won't run out of room.
6. Place the letter at the edge of your page. This will depend on the size of your paper and machine. I usually end my pages about 11" so I would make sure that my letter doesn't go past the 11" mark.
7. Make a rectangle with a height the size you want your pages and stretch it to the left edge of the letter, overlapping a little.
8. Select the rectangle and the letter. Go to Path and click union. I lock each layer after I'm done with it so I don't accidentally change it.
9. Do the same thing for each letter in the word.
10. Place your next letter just before the last letter, create your rectangle, "union" the rectangle and the letter, and lock.
11. Repeat.
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