How use Cameo sketch pens w/OUT Silhouette's Design Edition

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How use Cameo sketch pens w/OUT Silhouette's Design Edition

Post by MeuCow »

I have a Silhouette Cameo. I received sketch pens when I ordered it. I use SCAL so I do not need/or have the Designer Edition of Silhouette Studio. I have no desire to purchase the upgraded Designer Edition (SCAL meets all my needs). BUT, I'm worried I have to have the
DESIGNER EDITION to use it. I'd like to take a picture of my house, convert it using a sketch program and then use the Cameo and it's sketch
pens to 'draw' the house. Is there a workaround using programs like inkscape etc. to use Cameo's Sketch pens without purchasing
their Designer Edition upgrade? Thank you for anyone that can answer! Cindi
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Re: How use Cameo sketch pens w/OUT Silhouette's Design Edit

Post by dragonlord666 »

it's possible that inkscape could do it if you have the eggbot extension from evil mad scientist (
this gives hatching options.

sketch in designer has these options
Screen shot 2013-07-04 at 19.05.00.png
Screen shot 2013-07-04 at 19.05.00.png (49.38 KiB) Viewed 4326 times
Screen shot 2013-07-04 at 19.05.18.png
Screen shot 2013-07-04 at 19.05.18.png (51.92 KiB) Viewed 4326 times
once you figure out how to draw the fills (either by bezier tool or eggbot or whatever) then all you would need to do is put the pen in the holder and send to cut (draw) if you draw sections in different colours/layers you can change pens to draw in colour (green for grass, deep red for roof, black for walls, light blue for windows etc)

Cutters: Phoenix Silver Bullet 18", Black Cat Cougar 18", Silhouette Cameo & Cameo 4
Software: SCAL 5 Pro, Inkscape, Gimp
Computer:IMac running Mojave
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Location: FL; SCAL1, SCAL2; Mac; Ink .47, AI CS4

Re: How use Cameo sketch pens w/OUT Silhouette's Design Edit

Post by firstcut »

You can sketch any cut file just by replacing the blade with the pen. However, this tends to make for a pretty boring sketch. The sketch effects in SSDE and in Inkscape and Illustrator act to make the designs look more like natural hand drawn ones by adding extra strokes and randomizing them. There are also hatch fills to color in open spaces. You always have the option to draw them from scratch as well.
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