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Cutting from CAD drawing is constant small cuts

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2020 9:17 pm
by cadcoke5
I have a SVG file, that I imported in to my CAD drawing program, because I am most familiar with using that program. I set my program to draw ellipses as multi-segment lines (i.e. Polylines that are a series of arcs) so that I can later export the drawing to a SVG file. But, when I cut the file, those same polylines are cut by the blade dropping down to cut a small segment, then it rises, and then lowers to cut the next small segment.

In pen plotters, or devices that use G-code, that would not have happened. A polyline, by definition, is a continuous series of lines or arcs, that don't require the pen or knife to be lifted. But, SCAL is treating it differently.

What is the general guidance if your source drawing comes from a CAD drawing program?

Also, when I have a closed polyline, I would expect to be able to choose a fill color within SCAL. But, that is not the case.

I imagine that I need to somehow edit those objects to allow SCAL to know they can be filled in with a color.

Re: Cutting from CAD drawing is constant small cuts

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2020 6:02 pm
by cadcoke5
I came up with what may be a reasonable solution. Rather than bring the SVG file from my CAD drawing into SCAL, I instead created a PNG format bitmat image. Then, using the trace feature in SCAL, I traced the image, to create the path.

Though, I do still seem to be having it do a fair amount of little cuts... perhaps not a cut at all, but just the knife lowering down and immediately coming back up. Still, this was MUCH better than using the SVG version.


Re: Cutting from CAD drawing is constant small cuts

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2021 12:23 pm
by SandyMcC
For some reason, this is a common issue with exports from CAD programs. I've seen the same exact issue when importing into other cutting programs, so it's not just an issue with SCAL.

The PNG method SHOULD be working. Are you sure the Contrast setting in the Trace Image window is set high enough to avoid gaps while tracing what should be filled shapes? You're welcome to send me a file for testing. My email is