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Can't Print+Cut because arrow keys on keyboard stop working

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 1:21 pm
by woodaggies
I am new to Sure Cuts A Lot 3 and have a Silver Bullet Pro cutter. I am trying to do a Print and Cut for the first time and every time I try to enter the Registration marks, my arrow keys stop working after the first one is marked. Sometimes I can get to 2 and yesterday after many tries and cancelling and shutting down the Silver Bullet several times, I actually cut something out correctly, but now it is doing it again today. It is very frustrating since I am just learning all the software and the cutting machine. This can't be the way it is supposed to work. I have uninstalled SCAL and reinstatlled it and uninstalled the driver for the Silver Bullet and reinstalled it. What am I doing wrong!

Re: Can't Print+Cut because arrow keys on keyboard stop work

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 3:34 pm
by papasue
Can you see all 3 reg marks in preview mode? I could be an orientation issue. If you could post the file without copyright violation someone can take a look and help figure it out.

Re: Can't Print+Cut because arrow keys on keyboard stop work

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 7:18 pm
by woodaggies
I am not sure what you mean by preview mode? I am using the Print+Cut feature in SCAL 3 and i have Windows 7, and the silver bullet pro and while i am setting the laser on the registration mark with the arrow keys on my keyboard, it drops the connection if i pause too long between pressing the arrow keys. I have tried going really fast but then they aren't set accurately and it cuts in the wrong places. Is there a software update for this? I have been told there has been one in the works..

Re: Can't Print+Cut because arrow keys on keyboard stop work

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2013 1:59 pm
by woodaggies
I contacted support and they sent me a download for Version 3.054 and that seems to have solved the problem. Glad it wasn't me screwing up!

Re: Can't Print+Cut because arrow keys on keyboard stop work

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 7:43 pm
by naseemalaher

I am trying to calibirate my PnC . sometimes I go till the first small cut and then the laser doesnt move. Tried switching on and off numereous amount of times. This is very frustrating. Please help

Re: Can't Print+Cut because arrow keys on keyboard stop work

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 7:39 pm
by Daniel Melara
hi i have the same issue whenever i want to center the blade on to the registration marks, it completely freeze or when i move the arrow key it does loose coordination. my cutter is a US MH 871-MK2 and installed the software in a mac Mavericks 10.9 and a windows vista having the same problem, i read on the forum that could be a software problem or might need an update. how can i get this done? i'm currently using sure cuts a lot 3 pro by the way.

Re: Can't Print+Cut because arrow keys on keyboard stop work

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 3:07 am
by rozee
I am having exactly the same problem - I can set the first registration mark and then my Silver Bullet goes into Pause mode and I cannot exit unless I switch off the machine and start again however the same problem occurs again and again. I have tried cancelling the project, closing SCAL3 and restarting the program. Nothing seems to resolve this glitch. I am using Windows 7, Silver Bullet, SCAL V3.067 via USB connection (serial connection is not an option with my pc). The Silver Bullet can cut without using the Print&Cut feature however the blade cannot be aligned with the project on the paper as there is no option to set the registration marks. This is so frustrating.

Re: Can't Print+Cut because arrow keys on keyboard stop work

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 1:46 pm
by rozee
Jo Babic has supplied me with a solution and it works. Thank you, Jo. She suggested moving the project or the mat further to the left and not hard up against the right hand side of the Silver Bullet. This works perfectly and my project of a paper doll cut out well. She reminded me to make sure that my cutter was also calibrated as well. Obviously the Silver Bullet goes into "Pause" mode as the laser and cutter are too far right when setting the 2nd registration mark and moving the project to the left works perfectly. Again I want to thank Jo Babic for her very prompt and wonderful assistance. :D