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Help! 2 cuts...

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 2:00 pm
by deb
Hello, I have been trying to use inkscape with SCAL but I keep getting two cuts, one is fine but then it does an outline. I have tried searching these forums for the answers but I am stumpped! here is what I have been doing. I load a picture, like one that someone posted say a pumpkin outline. then I go to inkscape and select it and trace bitmap, then save it as a svg. when I import it to scal it always has an outline.

Re: Help! 2 cuts...

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 2:23 pm
by GrammyKrausse
I put thin on line back on Aug 24 and here is a redo of what I said,

I'll see If I can help a little.

One thing to remember in all steps you need to use the select tool ( the offset arrow in the toolbar) and select all images.

You go to file "import' the jpg.

You go to edit make bitmap (at this point you will have one image ontop of another, seperate the two and delete the bottom image)

You go to view and select display mode and at that point you chose outline, now you will have a blank box with a red x.

You go to path trace bitmap, you wlll have a pop up screen and change the thresholds to the setting you want. When I first started I used the default settings til I got use to playing with it. on this screen choose update. You will see a vague image in the box that looks like your original and see your original has changed with a big red x. Close the popup, move the red x off to the side and delete the X

Then you go to path again and chose break apart, you should have shadow and different sections to seperate.

Now all this is general instructions. There are after you practice awhile other instructions on cleaning up your nodes and color picking. After you practice awhile let me know and I'll help you further. It is really really easy and you might not have to have my help. If I can figure it out I'm sure you and others can too.

Re: Help! 2 cuts...

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 2:26 pm
by deb
oh thank you so much! I will go try it right now:)

Re: Help! 2 cuts...

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 2:39 pm
by deb
woo hoo! it worked wonderfully! thank you so very much!