Software says "intiating" and nothing happens

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Software says "intiating" and nothing happens

Post by Trefethenw »

This happened once before and I can't remember how I fixed it.

I am using both a US Cutter TC and a Titan 3 and it does it with both. I am connected through USB and using a convertor to my laptop so I can plug it into the C hole.

Any thoughs? Is it a laptop processing thing or a software thing? Any help is appreciated.
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Re: Software says "intiating" and nothing happens

Post by SandyMcC »

I'm so sorry for not seeing your post before. Hopefully you worked it out. If not, then the first thing I would ask is for a screenshot of your Windows Device Manager Screen with a folder called Ports opened. If you're on a Mac, then run a System Report, select USB from the left side and then post a screenshot of the right side of the screen.
Sandy McCauley
Owner of
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