Random Lines across page

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Random Lines across page

Post by macdeath »


I tested SCAL before buying and I had no issues, however, after purchasing, I get Random cut lines all over the page.

If I send the same cut twice, the random lines are in the same place.

I have reset the cutter to factory default, and I have tried another USB cable.

I am using a Bascocut C-24L cutter.

What am I doing wrong?
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Re: Random Lines across page

Post by SandyMcC »

Not sure what would cause this BUT I assume these cut lines are NOT the same ones you saw when test cutting in trial mode?

Are you on a PC or a Mac? What O/S? Is this regular SCAL or SCAL Pro? And when you launch SCAL, what is the version number appearing in the opening splash screen?
Sandy McCauley
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Re: Random Lines across page

Post by Busgoddess10 »

I have also had this problem. And it is random. No rhyme or reason.

And it has been around quite a while. Even before I upgraded to 5 pro.
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