What happened?

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What happened?

Post by TheLadyWolf »

I like to lurk through this forum, usually for getting inspired... But lately, the posts are getting fewer and fewer... what happened? Did something change (technology?). Are SVGs getting outdated? Obsolete?

Please enlighten me, so I can see what is new. (Have I been living under a rock?)

I miss seeing all the posts! :cry:
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Location: Amish Country, PA... using SCAL3, Vista, ink 0.46 with my Cameo. Trying to learn alll that I can.

Re: What happened?

Post by DogCarbon »

in my opinion....

the forum took a hit shortly after the lawsuits started.... and therefore many new cutters on the market.

And add the facebook user groups, this place has gone mostly dark.

I too check in every few days tho, just to make sure I am not missing something.

I do think tho that SVGs are the "staple" of this cutting industry.
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Re: What happened?

Post by sstehman »

I too think the Facebook groups have a large effect. Sad part is this forum is what gets an ear for on-going improvements to software as it is the most direct connection to communicate with CE. I personally was not real active for a few months for personal reasons, but kept checking the site. The Facebook groups are very actively using svg's and CE software and there are quite a few site choices out there....vinyl, etching, eClips users, as well as other cutter groups etc. There aren't enough hours in the day for me to follow all of them.

The other thing I see happening is that the sharing of files is "more closed" in the Facebook groups offering those sharing a little more protection. That would not be the case here as it is basically an open forum.

From what I can see, many are still using SCAL/eCAL software for their design and cutting efforts.

Maybe I'll get on some of them and post a reminder about this on some of the forums I belong to so others remember to check in here.

Any other ideas on how the forum maybe needs to be resigned or to rethink it's purpose might be helpful so it doesn't die away?
Sandy in PA
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Re: What happened?

Post by talanhart »

I agree about the Facebook groups. I belong to a few myself, but there are so many members, the posts are really hard to follow. There also seems to be a lot of Stealing Ideas which leads to a lot of hard feelings and people asking other people to remove posts and pictures etc. I don't post files on Facebook groups either. I did a few when I first joined, but I get a little anxious anymore with lawsuits, nasty posts and letters. When the lawsuit with ProvoCraft and Craft Edge started is the reason why I pulled all my files from this forum. I didn't need to pull them all, but I had so many, it would have taken me weeks to go through them all. It was just easier to delete all the attachments. I really miss the old days before the lawsuit. This was a great forum with so many people willing to help each other.
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Re: What happened?

Post by jrichards »

I agree Todd, we went out of our way to help each other, you and Heather and Sweetness would design anything someone asked for and so would many others, We even went so far as to meet up in person when we got the chance. I think we have forgotten that everyone one the site is a real person, it is easy to dismiss, delete, ignore because somehow we are not real on the internet. We don't connect like we used to and like you many people are afraid of sanctions, or problems resulting from posts that are misinterpreted and it is easy to be rude, disrespectful, and downright mean to people because there are no consequences, at least none that matter. We disagree about which machines are best, which type of file is best, which sites are best instead of working with each other and helping each other we jump to conclusions, read things into a post that weren't meant by the one who posted it and then the infighting begins. Why do we have to be that way, why is your way better than mine, and your machine better than mine, and your file better than mine, and your project better than mine? Once again, we are just nameless, faceless posts on the internet and we have forgotten that there is a real person behind those posts, with real feelings and ideas who cares enough to post an answer, a solution, an encouraging word, in short; I think we have become less humane because it is easy and anonymous, and we are so wrapped up in ourselves and our lives that no one and nothing else matters. I miss you Todd, and I miss Sweetness and many others who used to post regularly and quit because people were rude and nasty to them. What a sad commentary on our world and what we have become.
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Re: What happened?

Post by hbicigo »

There are only so many hours in a day - I check here once in a while to see what is happening, but like others are stating, it is pretty quiet. I also am on a couple facebook groups, but mine are mainly to buy supplies at a group price. I don't have time to spend on the other ones.

One thing I keep checking back here to find out, I asked CE one time about SCAL3 getting an update where we can do the conical wraps, and if I remember the response correctly, they were working on it in an update. That was some time ago, and I have not seen anything. If anyone knows anything about this I would love to know. I have having to try to adjust in inkscape and bring back into SCAL, I just don't use inkscape enough anymore to be able to do something in a timely manner.

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Re: What happened?

Post by btails »

I miss everyone ....You all were my family about 09 and in there when I first bought my cricut...but was going to send it back cause I didn't much care for the cartridges....then happened on here and the soft ware...changed my life....brought good money in for the rescue with lighted blocks and all...everyone fell over themselves to help Me....miss those days....glad I stopped back in though..now I am back and most are gone..sad !!
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