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reset or go back to default on inkscape

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 6:12 am
by lesliefolks
My question is if there is a way to totally reset inkscape?? Im not sure if I downloaded a different inkscape than everyone else or if while trying to learn I just messed up all my settings while trying to learn..everytime I decide im going to sit down and learn ink and follow someones tutorial I do the buttons they say and my screen does not follow what is supposed happen..I think thats why im getting so fursterated!! thank you guys!!!

Re: reset or go back to default on inkscape

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 9:53 am
by firstcut
One of the frustrations of Inkscape is that it seems to randomly change defaults. I don't know of a way to change them all back to the initial install configuration and even if you could it wouldn't solve the problem since they would still change themselves after that. Some tools have their own restore defaults button that looks like a little paint brush. The best way, unfortunately, is just to learn how to change things like fill, stroke, opacity, and the defaults for the other tools and be diligent about checking them at the start of each session. Sorry I don't have better news, but I hope you'll be encouraged to know it's Inkscape and not you :)

Re: reset or go back to default on inkscape

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 10:46 am
by Sweetness4713
I had the same problem.. Even when I uninstalled and reinstalled it asked me if I wanted to keep the same settings and I said no.. But the settings were still the same.. I did like firstcut said and reset each tool...

Re: reset or go back to default on inkscape

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 8:52 pm
by lesliefolks
thanks so much Firstcut and Sweetness4713!! yes it does help a great deal to know its ink and not me (well some me im sure) yes I will give it another try and learn more about those and use the paint brush to try to reset what I can and see if that works!! whoo glad I wasnt the only one that had the issue!! thanks for the help!!

Re: reset or go back to default on inkscape

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 10:12 am
by balletcostumemom
Arrrgh. I was hoping for a better answer to this question. Somehow, I've saved settings in Inkscape .47 as I go along but then of course, since I'm following directions need them set back to normal for the next thing. Getting really cofused, not sure if going back to .46 is my answer or not.

Re: reset or go back to default on inkscape

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 10:15 am
by Sweetness4713
What did you need to set back?? which defaults do you need??? I've learned a lot more about inkscape since I made that last post up above..LOL

Re: reset or go back to default on inkscape

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 10:16 am
by balletcostumemom
It is the shapes I can draw using the shape tool. Circle, Square, Rectangle that now don't draw like they used to. Mostly what I'm trying to do is make circular text and the way I used to do it isn't working any longer because my shapes aren't what they used to be. First, I was getting thick lines around them which Kay helped me fix. But now, I can't cut path to create text because the shapes go away, I can't seem to make them clear either. Just not an Inkscape day for me I guess.