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Object TO Path

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2019 8:06 am
by Loony
Hi all,

I'm super new to SCAL (used it for a second a few years ago) and recently purchased SCAL 5. I'm trying to use the command Object TO Path which I think should convert my text to a path so I can manipulate it as a vector (if this is not what it's supposed to do, please correct me on it). Anyway, no matter what I do, what I select, what I group/ungroup, this command is always grayed out. Is this a Pro feature? Please help!

Re: Object TO Path

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2019 11:46 am
by SandyMcC
That's not the purpose of Object to Path, which will distribute repeats of one shape along the path of another. Instead, you need to select the text in regular select mode and then go to Text>Convert Text to Outlines. Then select the text again and go to Object Ungroup.