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SCAL 3 Pro stops and starts cutting when program is running

Posted: Sun May 18, 2014 9:16 am
Hey all,
I have an annoying problem....
I have a imac, with all updates...SCAL Pro, with a US Cutter and a Silhouette.

I am using the silhouette more than not, and when i am cutting, my SCAL P has to be up front on my desktop.
This simply means that I can not surf the web, or do anything else while my cutter is cutting. If I go to say check emails
the cutter will still cut for a bit, but then stops, then starts, then stops, then starts, etc...there is no set time. Its like its trying to
find or upload the data as it cuts. And if I am not on the screen it has problems.
My imac is the top of the line computer, and should not cause any issues with the program....

So, is anyone else having this problem?

Thanks in advance

Re: SCAL 3 Pro stops and starts cutting when program is runn

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 6:16 pm
by adupwe
I just installed the latest update last night and my cutter has been pausing while cutting. Just realized tonight that all the SVG files that I have saved that had more the one page, all but 1 page is missing from the all. I'm talking many many many files. Many hours of work and times, gone because of an update???? I am also using a MacBook so I know it's not the computer. Have had no issues until I installed update. Is there a way to uninstall an update? Anyone else having these issues?