Silhouette crash

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Silhouette crash

Post by lindamac »

Yesterday I couldn't open my Silhouette program so decided to reboot my computer. A little note popped up said Sil was running so I went to Task Manager to shut it down. It wasn't there. I went ahead and rebooted my computer. Went to open the Sil program and it had reverted me to the basic edition and I lost 5000 files. I had just backed up my files the night before following the instructions from Scrapsation. So I got my download key to reinstall the Designer Edition, followed the instructions for reinstalling my files, opened up the Sil program and it had reverted me back to the basic edition once again. Reinstalled Designer Edition again and my files still aren't in there. 98% of the files are designed by me so I can get the ones I purchased, not the ones I made. Do any of you have any suggestions on how to find my lost 4000 files? I'm afraid to turn of the Sil program incase it reverts me back to the basic edition.
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