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Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 6:21 pm
by Sweetness4713
Maybe someone can help me here.. I still have my SCAL2 download but also have SCAL3 which i've been using for my silhouette. .I had to format my computer as I was having issues.. I was able to reinstall and use SCAL3 as I had saved my registration number but an unable to use SCAL2 again .. I still have the registration number for that so should I not be able to activate it?? The reason I kept SCAL 2 was to use with my cricut machine.. Anyone???


Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 4:53 am
by talanhart
Hey there! It's nice to see your post. SCAL 2 and 3 are two separate programs, so you should be able to use both. I would download versions 2 again from this link with your information.



Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 5:06 am
by HeatherM
I was at my parents over the weekend and I couldn't get my mom's SCAL2 to activate either. :( I'm pretty sure that I deactivated it on her old computer so she should have had an activation left. Please let us know what you find out.


Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 8:57 am
by sstehman
I would to to CE Support and request re-activation. I know you have the link, but here it is.

Glad to see you back Sweetness.


Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 12:03 pm
by Sweetness4713
Thanks folks. .I still have my copy of SCAL 2 .. and did re install. I still have my activation code but still can't get it to work :( .. I sure hope I can get it to work as I still have my cricut and have the deep cut blade that I want to be able to use..


Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 12:08 pm
by Sweetness4713
Okay so it's the activation code I need.. I do have the registration number


Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 12:19 pm
by Sweetness4713
Whoohooo. got it.. Thanks guys.. Heather go to this page and they will send you a new activation code right away.. It took me not even 1 minute.. haha..


Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 7:16 pm
by pastda3
Hi Sweetness! Good to see your name pop up. Hope life is treating you well. :)


Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 3:06 pm
by nataliefstewart
Ok, so I think I'm having a similar problem! I have a cricut and bought SCAL in 2010 when it was still legal :) I used it on my MacBook up until about a month ago when I had Apple clear the thing and sent it off to be recycled! Urgh! Luckily, I found my original case and CD, but it's not working! Will they send me a new code as well?? I'm going to cry if I screwed up and can't use my SCAL anymore!!! :?


Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 6:21 am
by papasue
I would to to CE Support and request re-activation. The last version of SCAL2 is 2.044. I have it running on my Mac w/ Mt Lion. You might need the email address you used when you purchased the original CD.