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Illustrator file cutting lines twice when multi cut is OFF

Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2013 2:19 pm
by TangerinePaper
I've been having a issue with a very simple file I've created in Illustrator then importing into SCAL version 3 double cutting even though the multi-cut is off. I'm currently using Illustrator CS6 on a Mac OSX 10.6.8 and cutting using the Cougar Original. My design has two large triangles, one is inverted and there are two small cut lines inside of each triangle (I have attached my design). First the cutter cuts the lines on the inside of the first triangle and only cuts those lines once, then it proceeds to cut the triangle cutting around it two times. It does the same thing for both triangles. When I create the triangles in Illustrator there is no fill, only a single stroke on the outside. Also, there is only one layer, there is nothing underneith, I've checked and double, triple checked! I have another very similar design but the shape is different. That design also has the same cut marks inside, the only difference is that the second shape is not inverted but the cutter does not cut these shapes out twice, only one time. With this triangle design I have to invert the second triangle to fit two on a page. Is it possible that by inverting the triangle it's somehow confusing the program? I've tried breaking the image apart in SCAL. I've tried ungrouping in Illustrator and neither worked. I've tried bringing the triangles to the front, that didn't work, then I tried bringing the small cut lines to the front that didn't work either. I've run out of ideas. I cut a lot of these triangles and cutting twice each time is wearing down my blades very quickly. Anybody have any idea how to stop SCAL from making double cuts on my design? HELP! Thanks!

Re: Illustrator file cutting lines twice when multi cut is O

Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2013 8:12 pm
by mitsim
What's happening is it's cutting your object and then going back and cutting your background space. If you open it back up in Illustrator, choose your direct selection tool and click on the space outside of your objects. Then click delete. (if there are inside spaces you'll need to click on the outside area, then go to select similar fill color, and then delete). Then just resave it as a svg file, and that should remedy your problem.

Re: Illustrator file cutting lines twice when multi cut is O

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 9:22 am
by TangerinePaper
There is no background or inside space to select and delete. It's just a blank canvas with a 1 pt. stroke around the triangles, no fill. I tried what you said but there's nothing to select.

Re: Illustrator file cutting lines twice when multi cut is O

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 9:33 am
by TangerinePaper
I just figured this out and it's fixed now! There was actually a triangle under a triangle even though it didn't show up in Illustrator. I thought I had broken the items apart in SCAL but I had to break them apart a few times and ungroup a few times, then I selected and deleted one of the triangles and sure enough there was another one under it. I did this to the other triangle too and now each triangle is being cut just one time! Thanks for your help:)

Re: Illustrator file cutting lines twice when multi cut is O

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 2:38 pm
by mitsim
Glad you got it figured out! There seems to always be a reason, huh? Well, I figure each time something like this happens, we learn from it and it becomes a non-issue for the future. So, it's a good thing! :-)