Confused about CDS update

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Re: Confused about CDS update

Post by lilgreykitty »

KimberlyinMN wrote:I have installed the latest update and SCAL works just fine. I'm running Windows XP so I don't know if that makes a difference.

This post was made on the board by Admin on how to fix the preview issue with the new cartridges:
It has come to our attention that the preview on the new cartridges is not working correctly. You can follow the directions below to work around this until a solution is implemented into the DesignStudio program.

For best results when updating, follow these instructions:
In order to improve the preview image quality and categorization on the new cartridges, it is necessary to rename your current “CricutFontsMetadata.xml” file. This file can be located in your “My Documents\Cricut\User Data” folder. Giving this file a new name (“Backup.xml” for example) will allow the software to rebuild the cartridge database correctly, with the new cartridge preview images and categories. We are working on a method to import your previous favorites, my cartridges, and keywords soon, so don’t delete your renamed xml file.
Just another reason why SCAL is better than CDS. It really __ss_s me off that I paid 80.00 for a program that whenever you need to do a update, that you have to jump thru hoops, save this do that, and still have problems. Do an update with SCAL, click, it's problem. PC really needs to get their act together.
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