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Getting nodes to join

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2022 7:56 am
by CaraLB
I know this is probably easy to do. I need to join the nodes in the "E" & "T" for a smooth cut. I just got back to this after COVID.

and I can't attach a file, "get well horz.scut5", sigh.

Re: Getting nodes to join

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2022 7:42 am
by SandyMcC
I can't see your file, however when removing overlap between overlapping letters, you would use Path>Union to accomplish that. To move letters closer together, apply Object>Ungroup and then you can select and move them. If you still need help, post back and I will send you my email address PRIVATELY here so that you can email the file to me. :)